Networked Urbanism

design thinking initiatives for a better urban life

Design critics: Belinda Tato and Jose Luis Vallejo, principals of Ecosistema Urbano
Harvard Design School

Master Studio carried on during the Fall semester at the Urban Planning and Design Department at Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD), under the title “Urban waste, urban design”. As designers, we will aim to streamline the process and systems by which waste is created, disposed of, and managed at both the human (individual) and urban scale (community).

Death Cafe MenuAlthough mortality is humanity’s common ground, the subject of death has become taboo and the spaces of death are treated with morose reverence that often excludes them from the public realm and society’s consciousness.  Cemeteries no longer function as vital urban spaces; they are Terra Mortis, dead land, set aside to memorialize our loss.  However, even more disturbing than this underutilized land is the waste generated by postmortem processing. Society’s efforts to produce an illusion of permanence after death has resulted in an industry that defies, consumes and contaminates nature at the cost of public health, environmental security, urban green space and our overall spiritual well being. My project asks if we can transform cemeteries into a common, fertile ground that allows people to understand death as an integral part of life. We will begin the session with a Death Cafe in the tradition of Funeral Celebrants – be ready for Death & Donuts!
-Jennifer Lee Mills


On October 4, 2013, I took a tour of Cradles to Crayons, a Boston area non-profit organization that creates gift packs and backpacks for children ages 0-12. I learned how an organization processes donated goods and prepares them for distribution and also what is done with donated items that they do not use.

This week I also sent out my survey to 115 nonprofit organizations in the Boston area.

A pecha kucha introducing a project dealing with unsolicited donations to non-profit organizations in Boston.


Video: Waste = Food

Book: The Story of Stuff

Development of a resource network — in progress.


Bibliography presentation of one film and one book to further our research on the issue of waste:

Bibliography Presentation 15 October


Aquaplot by Jenny Corlett + Kelly Murphy

We applied the Harvard Student Sustainability Grant Program at this week. See below for the detail of this program:

“The Harvard Student Sustainability Grant Program provides seed funding to graduate and undergraduate students/student groups for environmental projects that contribute to Harvard’s campus sustainability goals. Areas of sustainable focus include: energy reduction, waste and resource reduction, community awareness, health, and research to inform policy. “

Project proposal and work plan are submitted.


Smart Surplus Inventorying by networkedurbanism

By Khyati Saraf and Anji Clubb

Mind Map of research and feedback as of October 17, 2013

Time Reimagined Mind Map_Oct 17

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