Networked Urbanism

design thinking initiatives for a better urban life

Design critics: Belinda Tato and Jose Luis Vallejo, principals of Ecosistema Urbano

Carolina and I tried to focus on the “Humidity” in Bahrain and design a system for the public spaces to generate water from the humid air, and then the cooler air can be used to create an artificial flow of wind. The curated experience is to strenghten the feeling of “humid” in Bahrain.

The first time to make a video about myself.  The two-minute little stuff took me almost a whole day. But I love it.

Here Hubter and I wanted to create two different worlds, one is totally closed and artificial, the other one is open and natural. The natural one seems to be so vulnerable but each time it can survive from the disaster by means of all the relations with the nature. The artificial one looks strong enough but there might be a stronger creator outside…

10 references related to thermo comfort.

1. le miroir d’eau
2. jade eco park
3. sara brasília lago norte
4. wristify
5. pearl academy of fashion
6. paley park
7. reflective materials
8. columbia river gorge
9. air tree shanghai
10. rainforest pavillion

A fun timeline about my life!

1 6 7 8 9 10 38 is a platform for sharing knowledge and design thinking experiences with the world around us, breaking through the walls of academia in an attempt to improve the society in which we live.