Networked Urbanism

design thinking initiatives for a better urban life

Design critics: Belinda Tato and Jose Luis Vallejo, principals of Ecosistema Urbano

Understanding waste as an inseparable part of the lifecycle of materials and the ‘metabolism’ of cities, and approach it consequently. How is waste understood and managed? Can we make this process more ‘visible’ for the general public? Can waste be understood as a resource?

A pecha kucha introducing a project dealing with unsolicited donations to non-profit organizations in Boston.


Video: Waste = Food

Book: The Story of Stuff

Development of a resource network — in progress.


Bibliography presentation of one film and one book to further our research on the issue of waste:

Bibliography Presentation 15 October

By Khyati Saraf and Anji Clubb

Mind Map of research and feedback as of October 17, 2013

Time Reimagined Mind Map_Oct 17

By Khyati Saraf and Anji Clubb

Time Reimagined project bibliography session describing research into the subject of time management.

Time Reimagined: Bibliography Session

By Anji Clubb and Khyati Saraf

Brief description of Time Reimagined project aimed at gathering feedback from academics in psychology, communication, philosophy, sociology, physics, visualization, and other related fields.

Time Reimagined: Project Brief

by Anji Clubb and Khyati Saraf

Pecha Kucha presentation from October 1, 2013, describing the Time Reimagined project beginnings.

Time Reimagined Pecha Kucha_Oct1

Continuing research into new types of technology to transform the visitor experience:

Research Update

Further mapping of issues with the museum’s current paper-based tickets and maps:


Initial exploration and proposals for paper items offered for museum visitors:

Research Presentation 10.01.13

Bringing a bit of the museum to class, instead of bringing the class to the museum.

10.01.13 Experience Presentation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 is a platform for sharing knowledge and design thinking experiences with the world around us, breaking through the walls of academia in an attempt to improve the society in which we live.