Networked Urbanism

design thinking initiatives for a better urban life

Design critics: Belinda Tato and Jose Luis Vallejo, principals of Ecosistema Urbano

Title: What to do if no fish at waterfront park?

Reflection: The people-oriented design tends to be a public space problem, such as at TKO waterfront park, it allows people fishing but there is no local fish in the river, in fact, the fish is come from some Chinese religious cermonies: people buy fish from supermarket and release them back into wild river for getting good luck by giving them new life. An amateur fishman told us he recognizes the fish at waterfront park was come from supermarket as they all in the same size and same type, and he claimed that he used to see some people release the fish on the boat several times. In short, our reflection is we should see bigger and design our public space from greater perspective instead of focusing on human use only.

Action: Raise the public awareness about the balancing of ecology-oriented design and people-oriented design. Collecting more strange environmental phenomenon in pulic space is one of the possible way to encourage the designers concern more about the design of taking care of organisms from sky to sea instead of human only. For example, design some nests for birds or shelters for fish would be a good idea to improve our public space design. If no fish at waterfront park, beside importing fish into the river, we also need landscape architects to design the local ecology for the sustainable development of our city.


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